'Jalan Alor KL - Street Eats Journey E01 S01'

05:34 Nov 18, 2021
'I travel to the country of my birth, Malaysia, to check out the food scene. First up, Jalan Alor, the famous night market in the Bukit Bintang area of Kuala Lumpur.   Subscribe for more Asian cooking tips, recipes and secrets: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=jackiemsydney  I learn the secret to making Crispy Oyster Omelette (Foochow style), enjoy some Musang King Durian and also have a go at cooking satays on a charcoal grill. Fun fact - I started out my own street food business in Australia as a satay specialist..  For full article Visit: https://jackiem.com.au/2015/02/27/2205/  Follow my social pages for more updates:  https://jackiem.com.au/blog https://www.WokAroundAsia.com https://www.facebook.com/jackiemFood https://twitter.com/jackiemsydney https://instagram.com/jackiemsydney  -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: \"Thermocook Laksa Nyonya (Live Broadcast)\"  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GLXqaI0KaA -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-' 

Tags: Chef , Celebrity , Travel , Malaysia , Asian , TV , Southeast Asia , australian , street food , kuala lumpur , asian food , oyster omelette , malaysian food , Durian , street eats , malaysian cooking , malaysian recipes , Asian Recipes , grand hyatt , Jalan Alor , Malaysia travel , jackie m , learn to cook malaysian , musang king , carotino

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