'Food Fantasy: Where\'s Mung Bean, Sky Showdown & other events'

11:59 Nov 25, 2021
'Guide: https://sirtaptap.com/guides/food-fantasy-guide-recipies/ Patreon: https://patreon.com/sirtaptap Chat rules: Be chill, be a human, easy on the memes. No whining about what\'s being played.  Missed a stream? They\'re all archived here! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlxZek2EIxkmX8rsI4vaIoJw79rejHd_I You can support me just by buying Humble bundles with my affiliate link! https://www.humblebundle.com/?partner=SirTapTap #FoodFantasy #gachagames My Discord server: https://sirtaptap.com/discord/ #FoodFantasy #mobilegames #gacha  Sponsor me on YoutubeGaming to support me and get perks! https://gaming.youtube.com/sirtaptap/live?pli=1&action=sponsor #LetsPlay #gaming #MobileGames .  ❤️ https://patreon.com/sirtaptap  

Tags: funny , review , Gameplay , News , ios , rpg , event , reaction , walkthrough , Android , reacts , commentary , indie , let's play , Mobile , playthrough , mobile game , Simulation , quick look , F2P , jrpg , free to play , food fantasy , sirtaptap , restaraunt sim , mung bean

See also:
