'A moist and delicious burger with 3 pounds of fries... free if completed in the 45 minute time limit, otherwise, $25. This is the Big Elm Challenge at Elma Town Grille in Elma New York. This is an excellent location, with even better staff and food! Check out this BIG burger challenge and decide if you could do it. #manvfood #bigburger #newyork George\'s channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSkJTbdrkAfD815jp_vR_mw T-Shirts are available in my Tee-spring store (https://teespring.com/stores/joel-hansen) and a few are available through me for only $18! If getting it from myself, shipping to Canada is $5 and shipping to the continental USA is $7 (all prices in usd)! If you are international, message me and I will get a shipping quote OR order off of teespring. :) Shirts seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hy-8WVIBMUc To Order: 1. Message me (modelvsfood@gmail.com) to ensure I have your desired size (s-2xl at the moment) 2. Send payment with shipping address to https://www.paypal.me/joelhansem Signed Pictures are only $3 (usd) and include FREE shipping (AKA you are really only paying shipping)! Send me a message with your mailing address along with payment to https://www.paypal.me/joelhansem :D! CLICK FOR FREE AWESOME CONTENT: http://youtube.com/joelhansen?sub_confirmation=1 Want access to EXCLUSIVE CONTENT? Check out my Patreon :) https://www.patreon.com/modelvsfood Want a personal shoutout in my video? Send me stuff to eat/review :) : Joel Hansen PO BOX 99900 UA 067 720 RPO CENTRE MALL HAMILTON ON L8H 0A8 Instagram: instagram.com/modelvsfood Facebook: Fb.me/modelvsfood Intro: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fsoundcloud.com%2Fgoblinsfrommars%2Flord-of-the-rings-hobbit-theme-gfm-trap-remix-feat-justin-stonefree-download&redir_token=0PLfaKgCtmgXUkoqWqup_EnA3lV8MTUyNjQzODUzN0AxNTI2MzUyMTM3&v=t4uap7l4kc8&event=video_description Outro : Track: Culture Code - Feel Again (feat. Harley Bird) [NCS Release]'
Tags: burger , usa , canada , food challenge , hot dog , poutine , Buffalo , man vs food , eating challenge , Matt stonie , epic meal time , eating contest , furious pete , big burger , randy santel , molly schuyler , professional eater , ManVfood , beardmeatsfood , competitive eater , new record , joel hansen , toronto food , worlds biggest , model vs food , corbuccieats , nyc food , eating at the worst , eating at the best , guga foods , cash prize , new yorks best , kicked out of a , cut off at a , faster than
See also: