Nov 30, 2021
'Team comp: Attack FA on Bamboo Rice, and Speed FAs on all the rest of the Food Souls used. 273 pulls done on the last day of event from the Mirror of Truth gacha! Events related to this video: Food Fantasy (Japan) Let\'s Play: Souffle Ranking Event - https://youtu.be/BJJIpPFwAkM More of our Food Fantasy videos: What\'s Cooking? This Week On Food Fantasy Japan: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIiVJDKPTmbE5V4UR1mjSPWvzia0-rDGJ Food Fantasy Let\'s Play: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIiVJDKPTmbFb6AR_GJzL6RiKGXCjTvoV =============================================================== FOLLOW US: TWITTER → https://twitter.com/MomugiGames FACEBOOK → http://facebook.com/MomugiGames KOFI → http://ko-fi.com/momugi ==============================================================='
Tags: let's play , food fantasy
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