'In this \"12 EASY DIET TIPS TO CUT 1000s OF CALORIES\" video by HealthifyMe, will take you through 12 effective and easy-to-do diet and nutrition tips that you can use to easily cut down 1000\'s of calories. 12 Tips in the video are below: 0:00 INTRODUCTION 0:45 1) DO NOT DRINK YOUR CALORIES 1:34 2) USE SMALLER PLATES 2:17 3) EAT SLOWLY 3:08 4) SERVE A QUARTER OF WHAT YOU CAN EAT 3:32 5) ADD PROTEIN TO EVERY MEAL 4:04 6) LEARN TO READ FOOD LABELS 4:53 7) MAINTAIN A FOOD DIARY 5:42 8) TAKE HALF FOOD HOME WHEN EATING OUT 6:39 9) LIMIT TOPPINGS AND DRESSINGS 7:34 10) OPT FOR GOOD FATS 8:20 11) CHEAT YOUR CHEAT MEAL 8:59 12) GET ENOUGH SLEEP 9:40 LIKE SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE 10:08 ABOUT HEALTHIFYME 10:46 NEXT UP Other videos in the series: 10 Diet Tips to Increase Protein Intake for Vegetarians - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3JoCSFIF94 10 Healthy Snacks Under 100 Calories - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8ZX0gCgEX4 12 Common Diet and Nutrition Myths People Still Believe in - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBEKrnXKIg8 1500 Calorie Vegetarian Diet Plan - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAoKxChxyCA #DietTipsToLoseWeight #BellyBurn #LoseWeight #WeightLoss #HealthifyMeDietTips #HealthifyMeDietPlan #HealthyLivingWithHealthifyMe #HealthifyMe Do you want to get personalised diet plans, nutrition tips, lose weight, workout online and get into shape? Download the HealthifyMe app today and get started on your healthy journey today - https://healthifyme.onelink.me/2285251819?pid=youtube_organic&c=diet_plans&af_ad=TJXrRaP8WPs&af_dp=hmein%3A%2F%2Factivity/DashboardActivity?tab_name_to_open=feeds Available on Android and iOS. Subscribe to our HealthifyMe YouTube channel - https://bit.ly/Subscribe-HealthifyMe Stay connected with HealthifyMe: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healthifyme/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HealthifyMe/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/healthifyme Website: https://www.healthifyme.com Download the HealthifyMe app now! Click here https://healthifyme.onelink.me/2285251819?pid=youtube_organic&c=diet_plans&af_ad=TJXrRaP8WPs&af_dp=hmein%3A%2F%2Factivity/DashboardActivity?tab_name_to_open=feeds'
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