'With so many varieties of salts, such as kosher, table, Himalayan, flaked salt, sea salt, fleur de sel etc. Which salt should you use in your recipes. Check out this simple video to understand the difference of salts. Which salts are you using? See more here http://www.recipe30.com Some of the products I use and recommend: https://www.amazon.com/shop/recipe30 (affiliate) Want to post me something? Need a shoutout? Got a product to be reviewed or used on my cooking videos? Send products or info to: MAILING ADDRESS Recipe30 PO BOX 416 MOUNT MARTHA 3934 VICTORIA AUSTRALIA https://www.instagram.com/recipe30/ https://www.facebook.com/recipe30/ Business inquiries: [email protected] Music by: http://www.epidemicsound.com'
Tags: recipe30 , sea salt , Himalayan Salt , how to salt food properly , varieties of salt , best salts to use , best cooking salts , drink sea water , best salt to buy , how to use salt , how to use flaky salts , finishing salts , fleur de sel , flaky salt , how to salt food , can you drink sea water , pink salt himalayan , how to use flaky salt , best way to store salt , how to add salt in food , how to measure salt when cooking , How To Season Your Food With Salt Like A Chef
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