'Today we are going into uncharted territory, because today, we are sharing some Harvestright freeze dryer Hacks. The Harvestright is an incredible machine, but with these 4 hacks, it becomes even better. I show you how to vacuum seal ball/ mason jars, how to vacuum seal mylar bags using only the freeze dryer, How to make an anti siphon setup on your hose, so you stop sucking up water into the freeze dryer, I do my first oil change on the premier pump and show you how to make an easy oil filter out of a Brita water filter pitcher. This will be the first of several Harvestright Hacks videos. Stay tuned for more. Check Out our NEW!
Tags: vacuum sealer , vacuum seal bags , harvest right accessories , harvest right hacks , freeze dryer hacks , freeze dryer tricks , harvestright freeze dryer hacks , premier pump oil change , vacuum seal mylar bags , vacuum sealing mylar bags , brita pitcher oil filter , brita water filter oil filter , vacuum sealed ball jars , freeze dryer accessories , Harvestright acessories , vacuum seal mylar bags problem solved , vacuum sealing mylar bags food storage , freeze dryer accessories and solutions
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