'Malaysian Food - Easy Buttered Prawns Recipe / Resepi Buttered Prawns Mudah'

'Malaysian Food - Easy Buttered Prawns Recipe / Resepi Buttered Prawns Mudah'
04:41 Dec 22, 2021
'Malaysian Food - Easy Buttered Prawns Recipe / Resepi Buttered Prawns Mudah    The Buttered Prawns recipe brings out the best of Malaysian cuisine.   The success of this Buttered Prawns dish is in the flick of the hand when you do the egg floss, which needs some practicing!!! The temperature of the oil too must be hot and you must swirl the oil even before you pour in the egg yolk in thin stream. Switch off the flame when all the egg yolk is finished and the oil bubbles. Quickly remove the egg floss and transfer it on the kitchen paper to drain the oil.  Hope you enjoy making this simple yet delicious Butter Prawns  Share this video: https://youtu.be/3Ods0fY1BfQ   Subscribe and Get More cooking videos http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=FaizahAzizWells  BIOGRAPHY Faizah Aziz-Wells is the author of cookbooks “Nostalgia Medan Selera” (Malay version) and “Medan Selera Odyssey” (English version) which contain heritage Malaysian cooking. She is now embarking on an e-cookbook “Malaysian Recipes – Mom’s favorite fares/ Citarasa Bondaku”. This e-cookbook is dual-language (English/Malaysia) and each recipe is linked to an unlisted video.  To purchase the cookbooks: http://www.malaysianfood.biz/#!shop/gg173   VIDEO  Malaysian Food - Easy Buttered Prawns Recipe / Resepi Butter Prawns Mudah  0:00 Title – Malaysian Food - Easy Buttered Prawns Recipe / Resepi Butter Prawns Mudah  0:04 Ingredients / Bahan-bahan 300 g of big-sized prawns 3 egg yolks 2 sprigs of curry leaves 2 garlic – sliced 3 bird’s eye chilies – sliced 2 tbsp of butter or margarine 3-4 tbsp of milk or cream (if preferred) Salt to taste A pinch of sugar ½ cup of Oil   0:57 Directions / Peraturan 1:01 Preparing the egg floss / Cara membuat sarang telur 2:21 Directions for the prawn / Cara memasak udang    Other Videos To Watch:  CARA MEMBUAT LAKSA JOHOR / How to cook Johor Laksa https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJLu4d9JWRv9lZsr7XDMKKYKwTacbyaak  SAMBAL SOTONG KEMBANG NASI LEMAK https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJLu4d9JWRv9lZsr7XDMKKYKwTacbyaak   Malaysian Food - Prawns in Coconut Milk Curry / Udang Masak Lemak https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJLu4d9JWRv9lZsr7XDMKKYKwTacbyaak   Other Great Resources: http://www.malaysianfood.biz/   Follow me https://plus.google.com/+FaizahAzizWells/posts/p/pub  https://www.facebook.com/nostalgiamedanselera   TITLE: Malaysian Food - Easy Buttered Prawns Recipe / Resepi Buttered Prawns Mudah' 

Tags: Food , How to make , quick recipes , prawn , malaysia food , butter prawn recipe , Butter Prawn , Buttered Prawns , Butter Prawn Resepi Mudah , Buttered Prawn with Egg Floss , Udang goreng butter , Udang goreng planta , butter prawns recipe , resepi butter prawn , how to make butter prawn , butter prawn with egg floss , butter prawn malaysia , Faizah Aziz-Wells , Easy Buttered Prawns Recipe , garlic butter prawn recipe , butter prawn basah , butter prawn recipe chef wan

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