'Deep Frying Chicken Wings with Bayou Classic\'s Aluminum Fish Cooker'

07:49 Jan 1, 2022
'Deep Frying Chicken Wings with Bayou Classic\'s Aluminum Fish Cooker   http://www.theoutdoorcookstore.com I love deep fried chicken wings and the Bayou Classic aluminum fish cooker kit males cooking them a snap. One of the great things about deep frying chicken wings is that you can cook them so fast. For 10 to 12 wings it takes just 12 to 15 minutes, and with Bayou Classic\'s fish cooker, it\'s done outside and saves a mess in the kitchen. In our recent blog post Beer Batter Recipe for Rock Cod, we showed how easy it is to deep fry fish with this fish cooker. Well, with the Bayou Classic aluminum fish cooker you can cook a lot more than just fish. This fish cooker kit gives you everything you need to deep fry, boil or steam all your favorite foods. Like I said, this is a simple and quick recipe for deep fried chicken wings but, boy, are they tasty. So if you\'ve got some friends coming over to watch sports, fire up that Bayou Classic fish cooker kit and deep fry some chicken wings. Oh yea, and don\'t forget the beer.' 

Tags: Bayou Classic 2212

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