'stir-fried Rice Cake,Sundae,fried rice balls/떡볶이,순대,튀김/Korean food'

01:53 Jan 11, 2022
'■Shop name: Gangseo Snack Center  ■Food name: stir-fried Rice Cake,Sundae,fried rice balls /Korean food  ■Brief description 서울 강서구에 위치한 프리미엄 분식집 \'강서분식센터\'입니다. 일반 분식집과 다른 맛입니다. 꼭 드셔보시길 바래요 This is \'Gangseo Snack Center\' located in Gangseo-gu, Seoul. It tastes different from regular snack bars. I hope you try it.  ■Price: Krw:  6000/stir-fried Rice Cake 6000/Sundae 4000/fried rice balls USD:  4.86/stir-fried Rice Cake 4.86/Sundae 3.24/fried rice balls  ■Business hours 11:30~25:00  ■location: 서울특별시 강서구 내발산동 678-11번지  ■KFA(Korean Food Announcer) I would like to introduce various Korean foods to my friends all over the world. Please push \'subscribe\' and \'like\' Thank you for watching ^^  ■email: rgs0706@gmail.com instagram: echo.kwon  I made a thumbnail for free in website \"www.forcre.co.kr\"' 
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