'Atho/ Burma atho/அசத்தலான அத்தோ இனி கடைகளில் வாங்கவேண்டியதில்லை/ street food/ don\'t miss it/ noodles'

05:07 Jan 16, 2022
'Atho recipe is famous in Burma, it is the most popular street food in Chennai, try this recipe in your home and comment how is it. Atho is easy and simple recipe.  INGREDIENTS  Plain noodles Red chilli  Garlic Onion Coriander leaves Fried gram Salt Tamarind Cabbage Aththo thattai Oil' 

Tags: chennai , noodles , street food , in tamil , atho , aththo , Chennai special , burma's food , Aathi's recipe , Athis , Aathi

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