'Save Money! Zero Waste Food Prep! Learn how to use up the food that you have! Create delicious food from leftovers and avoid food waste! Get back to the basics! Money saving hints and tips! Early retirement debt free couple shows you how you can have an abundant and full life with less money! Living a debt free life is possible by simple budgeting and not over spending! Debt free living is within reach! Contact Me frugalmoneysaver@gmail.com Follow me on Instagram frugalmoneysaver Mailing Address: Frugal Money Saver P.O. Box 256 Jefferson Valley, NY 10535 Cream Of Anything Soup Video- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCNOfMr1Q5A Muffin Recipe- https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/240388/cranberry-sauce-muffins/'
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