'Cooking Khmer Food, Bamboo Shoot With Pumpkin Leaves Soup | Homemade Food'

'Cooking Khmer Food, Bamboo Shoot With Pumpkin Leaves  Soup | Homemade Food'
08:26 Jan 23, 2022
'Hello all audiences! This video I want to show you about how to cook Khmer Food, Bamboo Shoot With Pumpkin Leaves  Soup | Homemade Food, Please SUBSCRIBE to my channel Kimyee Ros Cooking. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm38qo2qAsy7k7tml-AuhUw/featured  Ingredients here: - Holy Basil - Pumpkin Leaves - Fish - Bamboo Shoot - Khmer Salty Fish - Tamarind - Chilies - Sauce - Sugar - Salt  Like and follow me on  Facebook : (https://www.facebook.com/KImeeyRos/) Google+  : (https://plus.google.com/+kimyeeros) Twitter :  (https://twitter.com/kimyee6) Pinterest : (https://www.pinterest.com/kimyeeRos/)   Playlists:    1.Cambodian cooking style     http://bit.ly/2mhIrMO     2.Cambodian cake & dessert      http://bit.ly/2mEcuRp  More Popular Foods  1.Amazing Khmer Food,How to cook fish In Cambodia,Easy home food recipes healthy    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sO6sVwoorug  2.How to Make Somlor Khteah (សម្លរខ្ទិះ) - Home Food Recipes    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXF7oTFlmnk  3.Khmer Noodle Street Food In Asia - Cambodian Traditional Food    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grAk-aodPX0  4.My Village style Yummy Curry Chicken - Khmer Traditional Food (សម្លការី) - Village style    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xSjLfu8uAM  5.Khmer Salty Fish With Pork Recipe - Prahok Kties ( ប្រហុកខ្ទិះ)    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phQkJNPXkMM  6.Amazing Girl Make Food At Home - Cooking And Recipes Asian Family Food    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgtpodctcOs  7.Mix Veg Recipe - Healthy Food Mix Vegetable Soup - Cooking Moringa   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOOOptWJp-U  8.How To Cook Bamboo shoots With Small Fishs Recipe / Cambodia Healthy Food 2017    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcdFZdCLP28  9.Cooking And Recipe - Somlor Machu Kreung (សម្លម្ជូរគ្រឿង) - Homemade Food    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3jIBsfgs8s  10.Cooking And Recipe - Fried Fish With Ferroniella lucida - Asian    Food    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95WCk950sGU' 

Tags: Cooking , healthy food recipe , homemade food , ingredients , tamarind , soup , Holy basil , cooking and recipe , kimyee ros cooking , cooking khmer food , Pumpkin leaves , bamboo shoot recipe , bamboo shoot soup recipe , khmer fish , Bamboo Shoot With Pumpkin Leaves Soup , khmer salty fish , pumpkin leaves rcipes , how to cook holi basil soup , how to cook pumkin leaves , easy food bamboo shoot

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