'They say life began at the bottom of the ocean. Many organisms evolved and came to Earth. In the water, not only have been seen what could be intelligent being but also very strange events... 10. Half Human, Half Fish 9. Uknown Creature 8. Mermaid Recorded In Israel 7. Underwater Huntin´ 6. The Boat Chasing 5. Alien Plant? 4. Prehistoric Marine Monster 3.??? 2. ?? 1. ? ► SUBSCRIBE TO AMERIKANO!: https://goo.gl/e8mcCy ► VISIT OUR SITE FOR THE BEST ARTICLES!: www.thefinestpost.com ► For copyright matters please contact us: OfficialAmerikano@hotmail.com ► WORK FOR TOP 5S FINEST: https://goo.gl/Su8DZQ ► FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Top5sFinest ► LIKE US ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/TheFinestPost/ Background Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Thank you so much for watching! Smash that like button for more, make sure you share the video with your friends and dont forget to subscribe!'
Tags: new , viral , found , History , interesting , explain , mystery , Ocean , Things , unsolved , underwater , unexplained , mysterious , Amazed , unsolved mysteries , discoveries , mysterious photos , under water , Unexplained Mysteries , mysterious things , underwater discoveries , deep sea mysteries , cannot be explained , discoveries that cannot be explained , nobody can explain , cant be explained , bizarre underwater discoveries , most mysterious , top 5 underwater finds
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