'BABY ALIVE gets STUNG by a BEE! The Lilly and Mommy Show! The TOYTASTIC Sisters. FUNNY KIDS SKIT!'

10:56 Jan 30, 2022
'Hey TOYTASTIC Friends!  Come hang out with Lilly and Mommy for a FUN PIC NIC... But watch out... There is a BEE trying to EAT their FOOD!!!!  Thank you SOOO much for watching.  Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE and CLICK the BELL:)' 

Tags: family , comedy , funny , friends , toys , skit , Kids show , kids skit , sisters , Dragon , sister , sissy , baby alive , lilly , picnic , kaia , funny skit , Baby alive video , pic nic , toy show , doll show , toy tastic , toytastic , baby alive goes , baby alive has , baby alive does , baby alive gets , baby alive show

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