'Collobration with #Crazycrew #hastkalabykay Winter in india means lots of events and fun I went to the #jawaharlalstadium for this food festival this year, One of the biggest festivals held in delhi annually . ( in the month November ) Hope you Like This Video For the behind scenes of my all activities , you can follow us on Instagram where we r most active .. so lets meet there .. Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/damanjeetsingh__ & Crazy Crew - https://www.instagram.com/ishan_chadha Komal :- https://www.instagram.com/hastkalabykay Editing Software :- Premiere Pro Music :- from Youtube no copy right music gallery ***For Business inquires*** Please email: kevin.damanjeet@gmail.com'
Tags: vlogger , events , foodfestival , hornokpleasefest , hornokplease2019 , damanjeet , damanjeetsingh , kevin_damanjeet , dsfilms , damanjeetsinghfilms , horkokplease , eventsindelhi , eventsinindia , jawaharlalnehrustadium , bestvlog , myvlog , sahibnoorvlog , irfanjunejovlog , jattprabhjot , mskvlogs
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