'செரலாக் இனி வீட்டிலயே செய்யலாம்//home made cerelac for babies//in tamil//babies weight gaining food//pranesh mommy In this video i showed how to prepare home made cerelac powder and how to prepare cerelac puree #babyfood #babieshomemadecerelac #babiesweightgainingfood #praneshmommy #babycaretips I this food can be give all 8 months baby,9 months baby and one year old...Home made cerelac baby food receipe..'
Tags: how to , baby food , Google , baby care tips , weight gaining food for babies , home made cerelac , D Mommy Talks , Nuts Powder , Mommy's talkies , mummy's talkies , home made cerelac recipe for babies , Home made cerelac for 8 months baby
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