'We build kids\' inventions & Aaryan challenged us to build a wearable oven to keep you warm in cold weather. Here\'s what happened when we wore it around town & tried to feed some people food with we\'d cooked! Here\'s how we built it: https://youtu.be/GeV_9uZxOTI Thanks to the awesome musical folks that are the band Horses on the Beach, who had zero warning that a man wearing an oven would be joining them! You can check out their music here: https://horsesonthebeach.bandcamp.com/ https://www.facebook.com/HOTBOfficial/ A massive thank you to the IET for their ongoing support of our work: https://www.theiet.org/ You can follow Ruth and Shawn on Instagram and Twitter: Ruth @ruthamos (on Twitter and Instagram) Shawn @shawnmakesthings (Instagram) @shawnmakes (Twitter) Watch some of our other projects: Ahmed’s Farting Staircase https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoAK5AYgbGw Seren’s Water Firing Swing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtYr5M35svo Courtney’s Crossbow that fires a Zipwire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpQhVT2LShU A GIANT Rube Goldberg Machine made out of 60 kids invention ideas: https://youtu.be/X3vXwWfEfGM Annabelle’s Sneeze Activate Flamethrower Helmet https://youtu.be/mk1UApitexs Crazy Lego and Disco Jackets https://youtu.be/z9IOT10kavs Grace’s Edible Giant Cake Gravity Racer https://youtu.be/5TcGMZwBG8Y Daniel’s Drivable Treehouse https://youtu.be/srlEXfW_Xpo Zander’s Robot Shopping Trolley https://youtu.be/4wjd9wZ3vS8 https://www.kidsinventstuff.com Email: hello@kidsinventstuff.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kidsinventstuff Twitter: https://twitter.com/kidsinventstuff Submit Invention Ideas at www.kidsinventstuff.com'
Tags: Test , Cooking , roast , tested , hot , funny , kids , prank , Tech , gadgets , camping , ideas , potatoes , suit , engineering , children , child , burn , portable , little , cookies , kid , inventions , dancing , pizza , Rucksack , OVEN , gas , young , advanced , hack , inventor , Propane , modified , wearable , stuff , hacked , BUSKING , harness , wearing , STEM , baked potato , shawn , Anywhere , colin furze , canister , ruth , Mounted , Cylinder , invent , lpg , simone giertz , KIS , Shawn Brown , Ruth Amos , Kids Invent Stuff , kid’s , kid’s inventions , Aaryan , kampa freedom , hacksmith
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