'The Viennese Food entertainer Bianca Gusenbauer takes Adia on a food adventure to one of the city’s hidden treasures - Meidlinger Market. Only to discover that the Viennese have some odd eating habits: they love to eat blood, pure fat and something called “liver cheese”. Oh, and yes, that stuff is made of horse meat. They also have a special affection for small creatures: Snails. Usually people try to get rid of them in their gardens, people in Vienna eat them. So Adia pays a visit to the Gugumuck snail farm to check out this delicacy. More about Viennese cuisine and Vienna’s markets: https://www.wien.info/en/shopping-wining-dining/viennese-cuisine https://www.wien.info/en/shopping-wining-dining/markets/viennese-markets #Vienna #Markets #MeidlingerMarket #Gugumuck #ViennneseFood #Foodtrip #ViennaNow Topics of this video: 0:00 Intro 0:35 Meidlinger Markt 2:03 Horse Butcher Gumprecht 3:02 Malefitz 3:28 Gugumuck Snail Farm Meidlinger Market: https://www.wien.info/en/meidlinger-market-129660 Bianca Gusenbauer - Bianca is(s)t: http://biancaisst.com Horse Butcher Gumprecht: http://www.pferdefleischer.at Gugumuck Snail Farm: http://www.gugumuck.at //// Music: Andrew Applepie: pokemon in nyc yes i will almost like this To New York http://andrewapplepie.com //// Credits: Presenter: Adia Trischler Idea & Concept: UNIT http://www.unit.co.at Script: Stefan Schlager Producer: Alex Haberfellner Camera: Bernhard Popovic Editing & Animation: Thomas Scharf Audio: Overdub, Gregor Rašek Produced by UNIT //// To be sure not to miss anything subscribe to our channel http://www.youtube.com/Vienna Find all info about Vienna at http://www.vienna.info Viennas Facebook Account: https://www.facebook.com/ViennaTouristBoard Vienna twitters at: https://twitter.com/viennainfob2b Vienna\'s Instagram Account: https://instagram.com/viennatouristboard/'
Tags: Travel , Holiday , weekend , city , vacation , traveling , travelling , Vienna , wien , snails , food market , Meat Loaf , Black Pudding , Markt , blood sausage , horse meat , Wochenende , stadt , schnecken , VIENA , beef aspic , blunzn , leberkäse , liver cheese , meidlinger market , meidlinger markt , pferdefleisch , rindfleischsulz , schneckenfarm , snail farm , vienna food , vienna food guide , vienna food market , vienna food recipes , vienna food tour , vienna food vlog
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