'Horn OK Please Food Truck Festival - BRUTALLY Honest Review'

10:27 Apr 25, 2022
'Hey Guys! So, for this week I decided to cover my entire experience of Horn OK Please Food Truck Festival which is being held at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, New Delhi. Do watch the entire video to know my honest opinion .  Fest Dates - 9, 10 & 11 March 2018 - 12pm to 10pm Entry From - Gate Number 14 Entry Fee - Rs. 250  Hope you enjoy !  Find me at :  www.instagram.com/sehgallatika sehgallatika3@gmail.com' 

Tags: India , gurgaon , food festivals , belgian waffles , Horn OK Please , JLN Stadium , latika sehgal , latika , food truck festival review , bercos

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