'giant sundae made by grandmother / korean street food 아아 여기는 줄서서 먹는 곳이에요! 순대로 억대 연매출 광장시장 할머니 순대'

'giant sundae made by grandmother / korean street food 아아 여기는 줄서서 먹는 곳이에요! 순대로 억대 연매출 광장시장 할머니 순대'
05:47 Apr 28, 2022
'Sundae, the legendary grandmother who is said to generate billions of dollars in sales according to the famous order https://goo.gl/maps/N2fADUGtpdpWZppa9  Please enjoy watching the video and ask for\'Subscribe\' and\'Like\'^^ → https://bit.ly/2Jp8UHQ  

Tags: streetfood , 길거리음식 , 한국길거리음식 , 순대 , koreanfood , 광장시장 할머니

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