'*WATCH IN HD FOR BEST QUALITY* I decided to make a video that\'s all about Bentley. In this video I talk about his Puppy Apartment, Food, Treats & Indoor Potty Training Food & Treats Wellness Puppy Food (Dry Kibble) Wellness Puppy Treats Wellness Puppy (Wet) - For stuffing and sealing Kongs Crab & Gator Treats - http://www.amazon.com/think-Crab-Alligator-Treat-Dogs/dp/B00DH2UHV0/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top?ie=UTF8 Crate - Crate Appeal Fashion Color Dog Crate, X-Large, Blue Splash http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0071R4P9M/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Puppy/Dog Training Box - http://www.rascaldoglitterbox.com/ (Bentley is using the Lil Squirt Model) ♥ Follow Me Around ♥ Instagram - justagirlatl Twitter - @justagirlatl Blog - justagirlatl.blogspot.com Email - Justagirltv@gmail[dot]com Mail, Pen Pals, Love Notes & Business Kendall Green-El P.O. BOX 500782 Atlanta, GA 31150 Puppy/Dog Training Box - http://www.rascaldoglitterbox.com/ (Bentley is using the Lil Squirt Model) Hair - Beautiful Hair By Tiffanie Smyrna, Georgia 30080, (404) 917-7140 YT- BHBT Salon'
Tags: beauty , puppy , makeup , reviews , vlogger , vlogmas , atlanta , filofax , malden , maltese , bear , vlogtober , wellness dog food , washi tape , virgin Brazilian extensions , vlogtember , puppycute , puppy potty training , indoor potty training , puppy crate , crate appeal , blue crate
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