'Hello and Welcome back to my Chanel Thyda Cooking TV everyone! We hope you have a beautiful day and stay safe and stay healthy always and overcome the bad situation very soon! You may have seen roasted fish in aluminum foil, today I\'m going to prepare roasted clams in aluminum foil, Hope you enjoy watching my video! So If you enjoy my video please leave me thumbs up and like, comment and share! So please enjoy my video and click subscribe and hit notification bell comment and share my video so that you won’t miss any my next videos updated. Hope you all stay safe all together and will go over the bad situation of coronavirus very soon! Thank you so much for your support! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQlmz8T4czzkv2NHb7bPm7Q/join =================================================== More information: This charity job can’t be completes without support and help from the kindhearted subscribers, so we really need your help in terms of budget to feed the poor kids here in my village as they are from very poor families and some are orphan need more nutrient food! Thank you so much for your kindness and for your support! Donate us here if you have and mention what purpose of the donation. Paypal email and email: tangsarada09@gmail.com #ThydaCookingTV Youtube Chanel: #PigBBQ; #RoastedPig, #DonationFood4kids, #Outdoorcooking, #Villagefood, #ChickenRecipe, #Khmercuisine; #Americancuisine, #Asiancuisine; #Thaicuisine, #Khmergirls, #CambodianGirls, link: https://www.Paypal.me/thydayoutuber93 Check out my instagram here: http://www.instagram.com/chanthyda_him/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thyda.chan.1690'
Tags: chicken recipe , Thai Food , best recipe , hamburger , chinese food , roast chicken , burrito , khmer food , pork recipe , fish soup , Thyda Cooking TV , Roast Pig BBQ , Lamb Roated BBQ , duck Roasted Recipe , Chef Thyda , Tacps
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