'This training resource is now available for FREE UK delivery: https://www.bvs.co.uk/promoting-the-health-and-hygiene-of-children This video looks at the Health and Hygiene of Children in group settings, and considers the vital part you can play to support these objectives. Learn to promote children’s hygiene by: being a good role model and encouraging children to develop good personal hygiene; identifying hazards and dealing with waste; knowing about the basics of food hygiene. Help children to be healthy by: having an awareness of what constitutes a healthy balanced diet and understanding needs for rest, sleep and exercise; knowing how to recognise when children are ill and dealing with accidents and emergencies; following reporting and recording procedures. Subjects covered include: Promoting Child Hygiene Being a Good Role Model Encouraging Good Personal Hygiene Identifying Hazards Dealing with Waste The Principles of Food Hygiene Promoting Child Health A Healthy and Balanced Diet Rest and Sleep Exercise Recognising Illness Giving Medication Following Reporting and Recording Procedures Supports: Children and Young People\'s Workforce Level 2 Certificate Early Years Foundation Stage 2017 (3.1, 3.2, 3.44, 3.47, 3.48, 3.49, 3.70) Video Format: DVD or Download Duration: 26 minute video in 14 sections to be used in a suggested 2 hour training session Supporting Materials: Contains a Lesson plan, Handouts, Question and Answer sheets and a Certificate of completion Consultant: Carolyn Meggitt, BA (Hons) SRN SCM NDNCert Peer Review: The Daycare Trust Standards: Children and Young People\'s Workforce Level 2 Certificate Early Years Foundation Stage Framework'
Tags: diet , Food , training , children , child , care , promote , Hygiene , child care , childcare , reporting , basics , bvs , child health , healthy and balanced diet , NVQ , BVS Training , QCF , Skills for Care , Care Certificate Training , care training , recording procedures , principles of food hygiene , sleep and exercise , giving medication , accidents and emergencies , recognising illness , promoting child hygiene , identifying hazards
See also: