'Heyyyyyy you guyssssss!! Welcome back to my channel. Today’s video isa little bit different. It\'s all about some random stuff that I\'m loving! Please thumbs up and Subscribe Here So you never miss an upload - http://bit.ly/1L1jtsA __________________________________________________________ P R O D U C T S M E N T I O N E D: Glisten Disposer Care Refreshener https://amzn.to/2E7e4VD Royal Canin Dog Food http://bit.ly/AboutRoyalCanin Lysol Laundry Sanitizer https://amzn.to/2y9ILo1 Glamorous Wash Detergent https://amzn.to/2C7MvsC Diffuser https://amzn.to/2RwN5FI (This is my favorite diffuser. It\'s good and affordable) This is the one mentioned in the video https://amzn.to/2IJKnsx Diffusing Oils - Fall Inspired Oils https://amzn.to/2y92cNI Holiday Inspired Oils - https://amzn.to/2C6gVvJ Febreze Sprays https://go.magik.ly/ml/g6sv/ Pink Organic Popcorn https://amzn.to/2y9J7uR Baby’s First Words App _________________________________________ Let\'s Stay Connected - FOLLOW ME: ♡ T W I T T E R➜ NitraaB ♡ I N S T A G R A M➜NitraaB ♡ S N A P C H A T➜ NitraaB ♡ F A C E B O O K➜ http://on.fb.me/143uEJ5 ♡ T U M B L R➜ NitraaB ♡ V L O G➜ https://www.youtube.com/user/NitraabTV ♡ P I N T E R E S T➜NitraaB ________________________________________ C O U P O N S & O N L I N E S H O P P I N G: My Favorite Virgin Hair Extensions: http://bit.ly/2HTKOT8 Use code NitraaB for $$$ off Sign Up and Get Cash Back When You Shop Online Through Ebates http://bit.ly/1o4q9vh Get 10% off Morphe Brushes -- Use code NitraaB http://bit.ly/1TP5JFg Cute Affordable Accessories & Makeup http://bit.ly/11OCK6p ________________________________________ OTHER INFO: -Recorded with Canon 80d -Lens http://amzn.to/1ZXBayE -Edited with Final Cut Pro _________________________________ B U S I N E S S: ⇢ For business inquiries ONLY, such as company sponsors or reviews, please feel free to email me at: [email protected] Thank you for watching. All opinions are always mine. Not Sponsored. Thanks for all your support! — — Hi I’m Nitra B. (aka Nitraab), welcome to my channel! I’m a mother, home decor lover, & self-taught MUA! My channel is dedicated to spreading positivity and joy to every viewer out there. The three content pillars of my channel are Mom Life, Home & Organization, and Everyday Lifestyle. I juggle a million tasks as a mom and you’ll hear all about how we parent our son Uriah along with mommy tips and tricks that I’ve found helpful throughout the way! Since moving into our own house a few years ago, I’ve loved creating content around interior design, hours tours, organization, and clean with me videos! Lastly, you’ll have a lens into my everyday routines - everything from date night ideas, to cooking / food / what I eat in a day, to motivational videos and more. Join me for the journey!'
Tags: how to , dog food , Lifestyle , royal canin , favorites , amazon favorites , lifestyle favorites , current favorites , stay at home mom , first time mom , NitraaB , Anitra Pearson , 2018 favorites , cleaning supplies , clean with me 2018 , random favorites
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