07:34 Jun 17, 2022
'Is Brandon even able to eat vegemite??  Join the live audience: http://goo.gl/RdJ5Er  While Shonduras is away on meetings the Spacestation Crew decides to eat some foods that we have never tried before.   Recently the Aussies stopped by in the office and dropped off some of their coveted Vegemite! We also received a care package from India.   We aren\'t saying these foods are bad. We just aren\'t used to how hot they are or the taste. We only like fatty sweet foods here in America.   We wanted to try something more fun and interactive so we hosted a gameshow. Brandon, TallChicken, Holladay, and Jamie would be given an episode of The Best Day Ever and they had to guess what day that happened.   Whoever was the furthest off had to eat the food for the round. Even though most of us tried all the food. Going first was always the scariest.   If you want some of this delicious food buy it here ----------------------------- Vegemite - http://amzn.to/2jAkBcq Khatta Meetha - http://amzn.to/2ioy3SU Aloo Bhujia - http://amzn.to/2jbEWYr Lindt Chili Dark Chocolate - http://amzn.to/2jbOgMI --------------------------------  Dont forget if you want to send us something for our next gameshow send it here.   540 West 1700 South Suite A Clearfield, Utah 84015  Which food do you think would be the worst?  (if you got this let us know if you think suit and tie should be the new dress code!)' 

Tags: Food , challenge , Show , funny , best , game , disgusting , Gross , day , fail , game show , ever , throw up , khatta meetha , shonduras , taste , vegemite , vomit , gameshow , throwup , yucky , eating gross food , pokemon sun and moon , Haldirams , bde , Masala Munch , Lindt , exploding cake , veggiemite , aloo bhujia , Spacestation Stuff , space station stuff , spacestationstuff , best dat ever , pokemon go in real life , pups go to nyc , exploding tire , Haldiram's , Chili Chocolate , Lindt Chili Dark Chocolate , what day was that

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