Jan 20, 2022
'Ashley and Sergio headed Amy Ruth\'s Restaurant on 117th Street in Harlem to get a taste of some amazing soul food . It\'s been an icon since 1998 and Jannette Robinson, who is the head chef, has been there from the start. She took Ashley and Sergio on a tour of the kitchen highlighting some of their signature dishes like candied yams, macaroni and cheese, fried chicken and collard greens. Jannette says Amy Ruth\'s is about creating a family-friendly atmosphere. \"It\'s the typical down home grandmother, auntie family-type restaurant where a family could come and like have a conversation not just to dine, but to spiritually get in contact with one another,\" Robinson said. For more info visit amyruths.com.'
Tags: harlem , New York , new jersey , Chasing News , amyruths.com , Amy Ruth's Restaurant
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