'Baby Alive Play Fort Fun! Play Fort Building, Feeding and Diaper Change!'

'Baby Alive Play Fort Fun! Play Fort Building, Feeding and Diaper Change!'
40:07 Jan 28, 2022
'Join Madison, Sara, Melody, Panda, Maureen and Darcy for a fun afternoon of play fort building, snack making, snack feeding and diaper change!  All the Baby Alive baby dolls are super excited for a day of fun!  Baby Doll Panda is not on her best behavior today but hopefully she will decide to change her attitude so she can get a special snack treat along with her sisters!  Will all the girls get chocolate pudding?  Visit our channel for more cool videos and to join all the fun up in our treetop please subscribe to Lil Monkey Media’s channel:  https://www.youtube.com/c/lilmonkeymedia  When you need to escape for some silly fun then click on our Monkey Around playlist featuring original skits and series. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLWmp9EEwbqbzWvSAF3TFQA7moA7U54ag  If you go bananas for toys, toys, and more toys then click on our Treetop Toy Box Playlist for videos like Playmobil, Lego, Mega Bloks, L’il Woodzeez, stop-motion builds, blind bag openings and more! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLWmp9EEwbqYmHreuFJEntBfJOZ9vBKjc  To spark your imagination click on our Creative Branch playlist where you’ll find cool craft ideas and DIY like: Slime, custom toys, foam kits and more! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLWmp9EEwbqY7CZj_yHrZMkePN3lrZkj6  When you’re up for watching a funny original scripted story click on our Monkey Tales playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLWmp9EEwbqYZLn93nLHwwP5b05EB3cZH  MUSIC: Licensed Use From YouTube Audio Library: -  For Mimi by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org/  - Ukulele by Bensound http://www.bensound.com  #babyalive #babyalivefeeding #babyaliveplay #babyalivediaperchange #babyalivesnacking #babyalivefood #babyalivepotty #storieswithbabyalive #babyalivesnackingsara #babyaliveplayfort #babyaliveplaytime' 

Tags: family , fun , baby , pretend play , doll , dolls , baby doll , doll toys , Baby Dolls , Fun with baby alive , baby alive feeding , morals , stories with dolls , babyalive , toy dolls , lilmonkey , lil monkey , lil monkey madison , lilmonkeymedia , lil monkey media , little monkey media , baby alive poop , fun baby alive , baby alive potty , best baby alive , best baby alive snack , baby alive changing , Baby Alive Diaper Change , baby alive playhouse , baby alive play fort , lil monkey reborns , doll routine

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